Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 25: Opera, Invalides, and the Metro Ride from Hell

Today was an action packed day because tomorrow we leave for BARCELONA and I wanted to get some Parisian stuff done.
After classes (the last class of the session :'( ) I ventured off to the Opera which I have been dying to see. It was absolutely beautiful. It was 6 euro to get in since it isn't technically a museum so that was hard since I'm used to getting into museums for free, but it was worth every centieme (euro penny). Everything inside it was so elegant I kept imagining I was Anastasia arriving in Paris to meet my grandmama. I imagined I was in a ballgown and I was strolling through the opera to watch Mozart's Don Juan. Everything in it was how I would have imagined. Except the actual ceiling of the Opera house which was painted by Marc Chagall, a Russian painter I learned about in class, the ceiling wasn't elegant and romantic enough to match the rest of the opera house. Nonetheless, I loved seeing the costumes and paintings and set designs and traveling through the opera museum and watching ballet videos. The whole thing was pretty magical.
We then took the metro to Les Invalides (les in-val-eeed) which is the Army Museum in Paris. We didn't really have the time to check out the museum part but we went to Napoleon's tomb in the back because we were dying to see it. It was exactly as outrageous as we had been told. The whole building is so ornate and lavish but the tomb itself is this giant monstrosity elevated above ground and in its own room. I can't even explain how ridiculous it was. It's no wonder he has a whole complex named after him. His tomb looked like it was made for an actual giant as if Napoleon thought his short stature wouldn't carry through history and having a giant tomb would make people think he must have been huge. It was amazing to see because it is an architectural beauty but it is just too funny because this guy really was an egotistical crazy person.
The funniest part about today though was the metro ride back to the hotel from the museum. It was just me and my friend Lindsey and the metro was super packed like absolutely no elbow room. The next stop about ten little kids in matching orange hats (which means a school field trip) pushed and shoved their way onto this metro which was wayy to crowded for them to get on. At this point me and Lindsey got separated on separate sides of the metro. It's also important to note that Lindsey is not a kid lover and has said over and over again that while she loves babies, she hates kids between baby age and high school age. Anyways we're stuffed in this metro with tons of loud laughing little kids and the doors open and I hear a sound like a water balloon dropping and Lindsey gets off the metro and says to me "we're getting off." Confused I looked over to where she had been standing and saw one of the little girl's ponytail was soaking wet. This just made me more confused until the smell hit me and I realized that one of the kids had projectile vomited in the metro. Since it was so crowded this meant that multiple people, including Lindsey had been right in the line of fire. She had throw up all over her arm and her shirt. It was horrifying (and hillarious).
Tonight we had dinner at an adorable restaurant on the Seine in the 4th arrondisement to say goodbye to our friends from session 1. Dinner was great and we walked around a little at night and it was so beautiful.
This will be my last blog for a few days since I will be in Barcelona during my days off from class and will not be blogging. However I will take a ton of pictures and expect a long blog entry when I return!!

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