Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 14: The Day it All Caught Up With Me

I have unfortunately spent the better portion of this day in the fetal position on my bed as I sniffled and sneezed my way through all of the tissues in my hotel room. I don't really know what it is but it feels like I swallowed hot coals. Because of this I get to experience the joys of what is called the SOS Medecin which is a service where a doctor comes to my hotel room (whenever he feels like it) and gives me whatever prescription he deems necessary. I'm waiting for him to show up now and I must say I am pretty nervous. I knew that I couldn't make it any longer without seeing a doctor though considering every part of my body aches. I guess the moral of the story is that sleep is actually important kids! You can't explore Paris every night if you have to wake up at 7:30 for class the next morning. Like countless times before I find myself wishing I had a stronger immune system. Where is my Osmosis Jones? Whatever super cool germ fighting guy lives in my body must be pretty lazy or too busy appreciating the beauty of Paris. Whatever his excuse I'm not buying him a Christmas present this year.
Before I decided I was too sick to infect my friends I did however get a chance to check out Gallerie Lafayette which is like the Harrod's of Paris. We all ogled over 2000 euro shoes and other crazy expensive luxuries. We also ogled over how much cheaper Longchamps are here.
UPDATE: So the doctor came pretty quickly actually and upon looking in my throat exclaimed "Ah oui, tu es vraiment malade!!" as if he had been sure I was faking it and I was given a prescription for amoxicillin and some fever reducing pills (probably expensive French tylenol but I was so desperate and so American). I then proceeded to walk at the most zombie pace ever to the nearest pharmacy. This might have been my rock bottom Paris moment. Having fallen asleep in the dress I wore all day and having put on a sweatshirt for my fever I walked the streets of Paris in a sundress and baggy soccer sweatshirt. A low moment for sure but again I was basically a zombie. When I saw the green fluorescent cross that denotes a pharmacy I almost jumped for joy. So I bought my medicine and a weird carton of soup and trudged back to my room where I drew a bath and ate my soup and realized that my fever and my lack of sleep had made me almost too loopy to function. But never the less I survived and took a nice little two hour nap and here I am with an unimproved throat but with much more energy than before, no fever, and no body aches. Two thumbs up for Parisian medicine!!

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