Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 13: The Day I Tried Speed Dating

Okay so I didn't actually try speed dating and this blog post has no pictures in it but I still encourage you to keep reading. Today I spent the afternoon doing homework and napping which is lame but it was cold and rainy so I needed to spend this time being productive because homework and sleep are two things that get forgotten as soon as the weather is nice and there are things to do.
Tonight I participated in a program called franglais which involves speed dating (kind of) where you speak with a french speaking person for 7 minutes in french and then 7 minutes in english and then move to a different table. It was cool because I was able to really practice my French and be reminded that while I have a major language disadvantage here, they are equally bad at English. I also got to meet a lot of cool Parisian people with whom I could speak about sights they would recommend and museums that nobody knows about. I met a nature photographer who was able to tell me some places in Paris where I could swim and see beautiful parks. I met a geographical politics professor who taught me things I didn't really need to know about European expansion and who talked a mile a minute until he needed to practice his english and then he shut right up. I talked with a 19 year old kid who told me he was literally doing nothing at the moment and then stopped talking as if he had exhausted all of his english with that information. In all it was a very interesting experience and it was really nice to practice my french, but the atmosphere was weird and when you were matched with an awkward person it was a very awkward conversation.
After "speed dating" we ate a nice dinner and returned to the hotel where I finished up my paper due tomorrow and decided to write a blog entry even though there wasn't much to say. Thanks everyone who stuck it out with me during my lazy rainy day post and I'll try to be less boring tomorrow. Pressure's on.

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